Wednesday 13 July 2016

Dearest Ex Boyfriend

Dearest Ex Boyfriend,

The cruellest thing you ever did was make me believe that we were falling in love.

I was 16 years old, my hands were itching to experience a new world, where love was real and anything was possible.

We sat in that treehouse and you made me believe that all the stars in the sky aligned just for us.

The treehouse? You know the one.
It's just around the corner from my house, we sat there in the rain and listened to crappy bands on my iPod nano.

I played you my favourite song and your mouth was a straight line.

I guess I should have guessed from that moment that our melodies didn't match up.

I remember the way your hands felt as they grazed the pale skin of my arms, you ran your fingers up the inside of my cuff, hitching it up ever so slightly.

That's when you saw them, the tears in my lining.

You grabbed my arm so tightly and yelled at me to stop.

But my fabric kept tearing.
and you kept screaming.

I remember the sound of the rain on the treehouse roof as you walked away.
I remember the crack in my skull as I kept falling
But you kept walking, and I kept falling..

Come and find me.

I'll always be here.

In the hole where you left me.

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