Wednesday 30 December 2015

Rejoice, My Dear Reveller

My body is a broken down fairground; my mind a dazzling carousel of spinning half rendered thoughts. The eyes sunken into my skull are lights that flash too bright in shades of periwinkle, lime and crimson, I struggle to focus. My heart thuds inside my chest; it's a bumper car crashing at full speed, against barriers not strong enough to withstand. My limbs are ferris wheels whirring and flying and I simply cannot sit still. My body feels all at once ethereal and insignificant that I find myself lost in the former beauty of this once animate corpse. 
Then I remember, 
this fairground has been forgotten. 
Lights that once burned so brightly, snuffed out by the world’s cruel breath. 
Arms that used to hold me safely to the earth have fluttered away, 
like dandelions in the wind. 
I stand in the centre of the deserted grounds, the smell of popcorn and pure joy long gone.
I am the only reveller who remains, 
and my time of rejoicing has long departed.  

Tuesday 1 December 2015

About Me

What the fuck are you supposed to write in an about me?
Because let me tell you something, they don’t actually want to know about you.

What they’re looking for is something along the lines of,
“Hi my name’s Sunflower and I like coffee coolers and rainbows.”
So I sit there staring at that ominous box, the type cursor flashing, demanding I write something.
But what I have to say, no-one wants to hear.
I take a long deep breath, I start to type. 
Hi, I am a ticking time bomb composed of flesh and bone.
I am paper skin, pulled too tight over brittle bones that threaten to snap under the weight of my own thoughts.

Thoughts that gnaw away at me day and night,
ever since I was 12 years old, and a girl with the world in her pocket told me to go and kill myself.
I carved her words out onto my skin, like they were poetry and I was the paper. 
Turning my life into one long flirtation with razor blade edges and empty smiles
Even now those words still echo around the prison of my mind.

Reminding me that I am worthless, an empty shell without a soul.

That I’m the expendable girl who gets forgotten by everyone.

Because no-one wanted to be friends with the girl who took so damn long to walk home, because the pavement is littered with cracks.
They told me to snap out of it, to get a grip, that they’re just gaps in the cement.

But all I saw were land mines, grenades, my body blown apart as my foot touched the ground.
Those cracks materialised as bittersweet slices on my skin 
I had become the thing that I was most afraid of, what I tried to avoid. 
I locked myself away, I built up walls so high that I couldn’t see past the darkness.
I couldn’t see how anyone could ever love such a broken mind, a pathetic body.
So I locked myself away, a life that was not worth saving.

Locked my emotions in a box, placed it on the top shelf, where I couldn't reach.
But here’s the thing..
I am still so young, and those scars on my skin have faded with time.

But I can still feel them, see them, as the light shines through the trees.

Highlighting the fact that I’m alive, that I’m still standing.

I’m a sore loser, and for the life of me I can’t stand the thought of the bullies winning.
I'll fill the cracks with ink, my canvas to start anew. 
They’ll remain below the surface, a private memory that I survived.
That I was brave enough to stand up and live.

So here’s what I’ll write in your fucking about me,

Hi, I’m Leah, and I survived.

Monday 30 November 2015


I am suffering from phantom limb syndrome, but I appear completely whole. The part that I'm missing, is a part of my soul. I feel you as a twitch in the tips of my fingers, beckoning to be touched. I see you in empty meadows, carpeted in buttercups. Only you're not there. I hear your name whispering on the wind, an echo of your former self. But you're not there. You were taken from me like the cruel tide captures the shore. Stolen before my eyes. Before I even got the chance to utter a final goodbye. Late at night as I drift to sleep, I swear I can hear you breathing. But as my eyelids flutter open, you've disappeared, like a shadow consumed by the night's intense gaze. I look for you in everything I see, in the bottom of empty swimming pools and in the broken down carcasses of warehouses. Only you're not there, you're not there.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Friday 20 November 2015

A Flame

She stood there underneath the streetlight, auburn hair illuminated, a flame burning too brightly, too quickly, I couldn’t keep up. I held my breath. Fuck, she was beautiful, the kind of girl who would chew you up just to see how you taste, then spit you out once she was over you.
She was everything I wanted and everything I knew I couldn’t have, the unattainable dream.
My eyes fixated on her legs, her impossibly long, pale, smooth legs. I found myself wondering what it would be like to touch them, to run my hands over them again. But I couldn’t. She was so many leagues ahead of me that I was no longer in the game.
I took another step closer to her, another step closer to this inaccessible vision of perfection. This was as close as I could get. Even at two, maybe three meters away my breath still caught in my throat. I wanted her. I needed her.  I couldn’t have her.
I continued to trace her body, my eyes following the curve of her hips, promising me things I knew would never come true. I longed to put my arms around her, to feel her skin close to mine, her heart beating in time with my own, to lean in close and whisper in her ear how much I needed her.
The corner of her lips tugged at a smile, and for the briefest of moments I felt filled with hope, like I was a balloon that had been filled with too much air and I was finally being set free to fly high above and touch the clouds, but I couldn’t get high enough, something burst me and I came plummeting back to earth.
I met her eyes, her cool blue eyes like ice to my heart, snapping me out of my reverie. She knew as much as I did that this could never happen. We were two ships passing in the night, only not close enough; the waves were drifting us apart. I couldn’t touch her.
“Hello.” Her bubble-gum lips beckoned me.
“Hey.” My voice was hoarse; barely audible.
She looked at me, really looked at me. As if she was seeing me for the first time.
“Listen. Sera, we can’t-“ She cut me off.
“Shh. I know. Don’t say it; it’ll make it too real.”
Her eyes held mine, from this distance it seemed that they were pleading, but that wasn’t possible. Sera didn’t plead for anything.
She took a step toward me, pulling her cardigan around her fragile frame as she approached.
“Let’s just drive.”
Her hands reached out to touch mine, I flinched but I didn’t back away. How could something this wrong feel so right?
“Where would we go?” At least the rational part of my brain was still working, although the part of me telling me to get in the car with this girl and never come back to this shitty town was threatening to take over.
“I don’t know- somewhere no-one can find us. Please. I just really don’t want to be alone right now.” She tucked a stray strand of amber hair behind her ear and dropped her gaze down to the floor. Maybe I was wrong, maybe that was pleading I could detect earlier. Or maybe she just didn’t want to face the day tomorrow, all those judgmental eyes, the hateful glances. To tell the truth I really didn’t want to either.
“Okay. I’ll drive.” I fumbled in my pocket for my car keys.
I agreed for three reasons. One, because I really didn’t want to deal with tomorrow and the hope of delaying it for a few more hours seemed a lot easier than facing it right now. Two, I wasn’t tired and I don’t think I could handle another night of lying in bed listening to that god damn village clock strike every hour like it was mocking me. Three, I was completely in love with this girl, this girl that I could never have and I suppose I really couldn’t resist a few more hours of self-loathing and torture.

My car was a crappy little ’94 Nissan Micra. It was virtually the same age as me and man could you tell. The once red paint had faded in places to this weird salmon colour and the wheel arches were rusted. Basically, it was a complete and utter shit box. But I kept it because it felt like I did most days, beat up and a little fed up with life.
I walked over to the passenger side door and held it open for her. Sera looked completely out of place, a rose amongst the thorns, she was blooming too brightly and it only made the car look more like a heap of junk.
I sat in the driver’s seat of the car, I had absolutely no clue as to where we were going and at this point I didn’t care. I just wanted to drive until we both forgot about everything that had happened in these past few months. I just wanted to drive until I didn’t care anymore.
I drove the car forward, the only destination I had in mind was out of the shit hole of a town. I couldn’t stand to be here anymore. We passed through the middle of town, I glanced up at all the shop fronts on the pathetic excuse for a high-street. I thought about how I’d known everyone who’d owned them since I was a small child and that made me want to leave town even more. All these people that supported me when mum was going through chemo and now they just threw me away like last week’s trash. Oh how fickle people can be, I make one small slip up and they treat me like the villain.
I pushed my foot to the floor and didn’t let up until I saw the sign that said we were heading out of town. I didn’t care about speeding tickets or the potential points on my license. I just had to get out of there before it took hold of me and refused to let me go, like it had so many people in the past.
“Whoa, slow down.”
Sera’s voice brought me back to earth.
“Sorry, I just had to get out of there you know.”
I turned my head to face her ever so slightly. I forced a smile but it didn’t meet my eyes.
She smiled back lightly but I could tell that she didn’t mean it either. She nodded her head in form of a reply.
We didn’t speak for a long time after that, we just drove. We passed the old church just outside of town, the one my mum used to go to every Sunday, even when the cancer had taken over her. I remembered the last time we went as a family. Mum had been so sick that she’d barely managed to stand up, but she still insisted on going. She said she had to make peace with the lord’s decision. But it really wasn’t some greater power that had chosen her to ascend, it never was. Mum was sick because she’d chain smoked every day since she was 13. But no-one seemed to see that, they all made their peace with it and said that it was her time, but it wasn’t. If she never had picked up a single cigarette she would have gotten so many more years than the pitiful forty, and people were crazy enough to say it was fate.
I looked out of my window at the rolling hills that promised to take me away from this place. There was nothing left for me here, mum was gone, dad had practically turned into a hermit and now my best friend hated me. I desperately wanted to forget this place and in return I wanted it to forget me. I wished I had the power to glamour people like all those vampires do in films and TV shows, I could make the entire town forget that I even existed.
I glanced across at the exquisite girl sitting in my passenger seat. She was wringing her hands in her lap whilst staring down at them, wearing the most broken expression upon her face. She looked like her entire life had just gone up in flames and now she had nothing left but the ashes. I wanted to reach across the gear stick and grab her hand. I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be just fine and she shouldn’t worry. But I couldn’t. I had no idea what was going to happen, we’d both screwed up and now we had to deal with the consequences.
The silence encircling us only made it seem more intimate. Like we were sharing this huge secret that only we knew about. But everyone knew now and neither of us knew what to say or do.
I started to loathe the silence between us, because I started thinking about her hands, more specifically what it had been like to hold her hands. Then I started to think about what it had been like to hold her hands and kiss her, and even for me that was too much self-inflicted torture.
I shifted my eyes toward her, trying to gain eye contact but failing miserably. I could never say what I needed to whilst looking into those azure eyes.
“He’s my best friend Sera.” I began, not really knowing where I was going to go with this. I just felt like it needed to be said, to remind us of what a shitty thing we’d done.
“I know.” She stifled a sob, I could tell because her voice cut out on the last word. I felt my chest tighten.
“We can’t do this. It’s not right.” I stared at my hands on the steering wheel; they were positioned perfectly at ten and two.
In my peripheral vision I saw her bring the sleeve of her cardigan up to her face.
“But that’s the problem. It’s too right.” I almost had to strain to hear her; she’d whispered it like it was the only true thing she believed in at this moment.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Neil Hilborn - The Future

I am so obsessed with Neil Hilborn, he's inspired me so much to write and was one of the main reasons I started writing poetry to begin with.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Tyler Joseph Street Poetry

Tyler Joseph is not only an incredible musician, but an incredible poet too. I'm just in awe of how talented he is.

Wednesday 28 October 2015


She was an American girl with sunshine hair
He was a London boy with a destructive soul
They were inseparable right from the start
But soon love's consuming kiss took it's toll

She cut herself on his razor-blade lips
and he drunk in her venom like fine wine
They flew to the moon in their minds
Lost in that bed, whilst their stars align

His passion for her turned toxic and deadly
He tore right through her fragile heart
Truth was found in the eyes of friends
They foresaw the turmoil from the start

He took the poison, his one true lover
Promised worlds he could only dream of
It filled the gaps she left, the spaces between
This destructive pointless thing called love

Saturday 24 October 2015

Swan Song

Take me to the bridge
Where I will flirt with the edge
There lies my swan song

Friday 23 October 2015

Fade Away

The music doesn't excite me anymore
I've been stretched too thin for so fucking long
The sights and sounds have become such a chore
I can't fake the feeling for one more song

I need to be numb to face this cold earth
I fall in love with everyone I meet
There's so much good in people so much worth
I feel too much, I've admitted defeat

My wife is a goddess who's filled with love
My daughter reminds me of who I was
Far too trusting, my flightless little dove
Scared I'll rip them with my destructive claws

I have turned lackluster and erratic
I won't fade away, I'll become static

Thursday 22 October 2015

Twisted Love Affair

We fell in love in a drug infused haze
The track marks on our arms our only destination
We would lie in that bed lost for days

Entranced by your penetrating gaze
Our love was like an unending sedation
We fell in love in a drug infused haze

My friends they told me you were a phase
But with you I finally found salvation
We would lie in that bed lost for days

As I close my eyes, my love for you it stays
You were my heroin and I gave into temptation
We fell in love in a drug infused haze

Without you there is no life, my body decays
I’ll press the needle into my arm, my final aspiration
We would lie in that bed lost for days

Constant visions of you my mind replays
Picturing your body burning, the cremation
We fell in love in a drug infused haze
We would lie in that bed lost for days

Thursday 15 October 2015


The trees lose their skin
Their bones crunch under my foot
The winter has come

Follow Me Out Of The Dark

Take my hand I’ll lead you out of the dark
And follow me through the shades of my soul
Take my hand and then we will disembark
Follow me, I'll rebuild you, make you whole

Take my heart and I will show you my love
Tell me your secrets and I’ll tell you mine
I love you more than the heavens above
You are my heart, I am forever thine

I find you in the darkest of places
I can see you where the light does not reach
You’re in part of me, all of the spaces
For you to follow me, I do beseech

Follow me out of the dark, my always
I am ever immortal in your gaze

Sunday 11 October 2015

Poetry In Motion

You are the iron in my veins
You are the smell of the rain
You are poetry in motion, my dear
and I have never been so clear

You are the spaces in between
You are the one thing I need
You are poetry in motion, my love
and you are all I can think of

Friday 9 October 2015


Now and then I get a strange feeling
Images creep around the corner of my ceiling
Gnawing at the corners of my mind
Horrifying sights are what you'll find
Tonight I return to my paralysed state
Monster and ghouls, they lie in wait
A clawed hand grasps my neck
Right above the jugular, I check
Every night is always the same
Solemnly stuck in this endless game